Green Collar Technologies began in 2007 and was founded in 2009 on the idea that sustainability is for everyone. We’ve worked to support greener economies and provide training to workers interested in emerging green jobs. We provided that training through classes taught by industry professionals. We expanded our efforts into large events to raise awareness in our community. We then reached out to other islands and repeated the process with support from state and local governments.
The initial “spark” for us came from our neighbors and folks in Puna. Entire populations that were underserved with basic needs and a humble awareness of the way decisions made in our county were affecting their self-sufficiency. We basically recognized suffering in our communities and decided to take action. We researched the needs of people in our state and learned which topics could create the most impact. On Hawaii Island, more than 50,000 residents rely on rain catchment for their water supply. Many systems were either unsafe, poorly designed to inoperable. People suffered when it didn’t rain enough to provide water to their homes.
So we found the best instructor in the state, created a class, assembled students and held our first Rainwater Harvesting class. We closed awareness and education gaps in green building, organic gardening, off-the-grid power and with the help of medical experts we have shared knowledge in whole plant medicine previously unavailable in Hawaii.
We learned the devastating effects of diseases in our state. Diabetes, cancers and rare forms of Epilepsy are prevalent. By 2018 more than half of our residents will have one of these diseases. Many of those affected are baby boomers increasing in age and in need of healthcare from a system on the verge of collapse. Those without healthcare are using home remedies. We learned that Cannabis could play a key role in the treatment of symptoms of these diseases.
So we formed an organization of experts capable of raising awareness for and teaching patients about safe options in whole plant medicine. We informed state departments, legislators, and local decision makers by bringing them to our classes and events. They heard patients, Doctors and business leaders share their individual needs. The result has been improved access to medicine and reduced healthcare costs for thousands.
Green Collar Technologies continues to create impacts across our islands with your support. Our growth and capacity to serve rely on the generosity of our board members, donors and supporters on all levels. We’re easy to talk to if you’re interested in getting involved with our organization in any way.